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Understanding Brain Development In Children

By Tanisha Berg

The emphasis of science is on the growth of mental and physical structures and the role each of these play in influencing the other through different life stages. Brain development in children has contributed to significant research with regards to the interplay between genetics and environmental factors in growth. Studies have shown that young kids enter into a number of life stages whereby such developmental milestones will have a significant impact on the overall neurons and strengthening of connections.

The newborn brain include over hundreds of billions of neurons, which slowly develop to migrate to specific areas in response to particular stimuli and chemical changes. It is during this stage that parents are often encouraged to introduce different forms of stimuli in a gentle and safe manner that will encourage the further formation of auditory, visual, and similar responses. Such methods can aid in preparing the nervous system for future demands that will be placed on it.

In order to facilitate the developmental processes, it is important to invest in fun and engaging learning processes at the earliest possible stages. The purpose of performing such activities is to assist in the strengthening of connections between the different neurons that will allow for more efficient processing of information. It also aids in supporting autonomic processes that involves breathing, heart rate, and sleeping habits.

Children will develop the synaptic joins and neurons in an efficient manner between the ages of 0 to 3. These connections can aid in retaining new information and adapting to environments in a more fluid manner by means of structured and engaging stimulation that will encourage learning activity. For those who grow into adolescence, the different synapse connections will be produced.

The brain continues to adapt and adjust throughout life as it assists in the ability for individuals to adapt and retain new information. Due to the fact that most neuron formation occurs in childhood, it requires maximum support while other higher order thinking only occurs with an increase in age as the myelin sheath around the brain forms. It is this sheath that is considered most responsible for the ability to control thoughts, feelings, and overall sensory functions.

For children who reach 3 years, the brain grows to reach over half of its full maturation. Learning and engagement in age appropriate activities are encouraged for young ones that can aid in improving the strength of connections while facilitating sensory operation. The overall stimulation provided will need to be presented to young ones in a structured and efficient manner.

Implementing the right educational processes at an early stage can facilitate optimum growth processes. Plasticity is a form of development that involves the changes in the structure of the brain in response to environmental stimuli. One should take some time to determine the techniques that should be applied for growth support.

It is important to rely on specific educational measures and to ensure that overall growth is supported. Learning is a crucial process including visual and auditory methods. An investment in such procedure can aid in strengthening connections and future mental capabilities.

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