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How To Deadlift For Beginners

By Arnold Sylvester

When it comes to fitness, most people are a little bit overwhelmed at the sheer confusion surrounding certain exercises and their benefits. Learning how to deadlift should be a priority for anyone with serious ambitions inside the gym, such is the great power it holds.

Many trainers unfairly believe that this exercise is dangerous and certain gyms even ban users from performing it.

This is ludicrous, of course, as it remains the king of gym based strength exercises. The issue lies with teaching people how to do it properly.

Getting yourself on to the right road comes from learning the correct techniques. It's silly to go in to any exercise before you truly know what you're doing - particularly one where you will be lifting close to your body weight, if not more. These steps should be applied:

* Keep your feet set underneath the bar.

* Bend your knees no more than twenty degrees.

* Hinge your back forward slightly.

* Ensure your back remains straight.

* Use an overhand or underhand grip on the bar.

* Drive up through your heels.

* As you push up, force your hips forward to help you form a straight line with your body.

* Push your shoulders back and your chest out when you reach the top portion of the rep, standing tall and proud.

The eight steps above depict the perfect deadlift form. It is hugely beneficial to spend a little bit of time getting yourself familiar with these steps with just a barbell before trying to hit any big numbers. Good form always defeats heavy weights.

Let's look at some aspects of the move in a bit more detail now.

The first of which is the bend in your knees. Many people mistakenly sit into this exercise in the same way they would for a barbell squat. It's not the same exercise, and doesn't require the same bend in the knee.

Another important aspect here is to ensure that your back does not arch. Further still, experiment with your grip until you find a variation which suits you. Many people choose a double overhand grip, but success can also be achieved with a double underhand or an opposing grip with each hand. Try them all.

When you begin to lift the weight, focus on pushing with all your force going through the heels. Many people mistakenly stand on the balls of their feet and end up falling forwards during the rep.

Figuring out how to lose weight often leads people down a blind path of confusion, but proven techniques and exercises are beyond a shadow of a doubt the most effective ways to build a better body. Learning how to deadlift properly should be one of the first things on your agenda before you hit the gym for your next workout session.

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