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A New Start Is Possible With Sobriety House Asheville

By Vicki Diaz

Over the last 30 years, since the inception of MADD, society has been increasingly focused on impaired drivers. Given the carnage on the national highway system, this was an inevitable and reasonable result. It does not address the underlying problem of alcohol dependence, which comes with a host of problems. Recovering from the disease requires societal help such as the sobriety house Asheville.

Most people consider the term alcoholic a description of the broken down, feeble man on the street clutching his drink and stumbling about mumbling to himself. This is an extreme representation of someone who is alcohol dependent, but it not the most common. People who have become addicted to alcohol can function normally and are not visually identifiable, and many are unaware of their condition.

Because the symptoms of dependence are so unique to each person, it is difficult to specifically define the condition. Normally social workers determine one is dependent if alcohol use continues to the detriment of health and societal relationships, either employment and domestic. While consuming five drinks at one time is considered binge drinking, some alcoholics have never consumed that much at one time.

There are both physical and mental components to a dependency on alcohol, and both can be masked quite easily by the sufferer. High functioning alcoholics abound, and the problem with that is they are still susceptible to the excesses of abuse. The difference between the alcoholic in the street and the one still holding a job is more luck than skill.

Self detection is exceedingly difficult, and many experts state that if one worries that they may be becoming dependent, they probably already are, and the time to act is immediate. Total abstinence is the only sure way to prevent a decline from social drinking to dependence, but if one is concerned, they can stop for three months as a check. If the idea causes any alarm, the individual is already at serious risk.

For people who are approaching dependency, it is a very difficult thing to simply stop consuming, the temptations are everywhere, and coworkers can become uncomfortable when one suddenly decides drinking is unnecessary. In truth, many are quietly asking themselves the question of whether or not they drink too much. But the commercial promotion of alcohol is a powerful and effective force.

Self realization that the problem is real and must be addressed is one of the most difficult parts. Getting completely sober can take more than a week in some cases, and after becoming sober the decision that one really wants to end the dependence can be even harder. Without these two steps, however, the individual will not be able to stop drinking, as no external force can truly end the behavior.

For many the first step, getting sober, can be handled alone, but for some medical oversight may be needed. After that it is important to stabilize the new lifestyle, which can be difficult as many alcoholics do not have a safe place to stay with supportive associates. This is the invaluable service by such places as sobriety house Asheville.

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