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How to turn spring cleaning into training in 10 steps

By Maria Foxx

Spring cleaning vs spring training. And why not both at the same time. You will have clean house, you will be in a perfect shape and you will save some time. Every single routine can help you burning calories. For example dusting burns 160 calories, cleaning the bathroom - 250 calories and gardening - 288 calories. If you clean your house every day, even for an hour, after month you will notice the difference in your appearance and body shape.

1. Put on your favorite music. Just follow the beat and your activities will become more pleasant. Music will motivates you to be more energetic and dedicated.

2. Get comfortable clothes. When you are going to the gym, you always put on equipment. When you clean it is the same.

3. Tighten your abs with every move. As long as you doing it, the result will be visible. Any simple action can help you training your abs. It is much easier and time saving than crunches.

4. Use step ladder, even it is not so high. Cleaning the ceilings, dusting the home library or waxing the door frames - use step ladder. With this actions you exercise the bottom muscles and upper legs. Through five minutes you have to go down and then again go up to the ladder.

5. When you wash the windows change your hands permanently. Try to wash the windows with circle moves using both hands. This will help you to burn 200 calories per hour.

6. Scrub the floors on your hands and knees. At first it can be a little painful for your knees but after 3 months you will see the result. First you will clean the floors and also will train the bottom muscles. But before scrubbing the floor and burn 350 calories while doing it, you could vacuum it. This will help you to burn additional 165 calories per hour.

7. Beat the rugs. If you have many rugs, beat them with a clean broom rather than vacuuming. This means more work outside the house on fresh air and exercising your arm muscles. This will reproduce boxing workout and the rugs no longer will be a hiding place for dust and allergies.

8. Make big circles when scrubbing. Any time you scrub something in the kitchen or bathroom, make big circles. It is good aero exercise that develops lungs.

9. Use the stairs as much as you can. Don't try to wear as much as you can up and down the house. That will help you to burn 516 calories per hour.

10. Keep the laundry basket on the floor when you're ironing. The ironing can burn 113 calories per hour. And bending and straightening will help you to train your back and waist.

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