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Dangers of Fast Weight Loss

If you were to look at the abundance of fast weight loss advertisements on the internet or anywhere else, you will realize that people want to 'get it over with as fast as possible' when it comes to losing weight. In our hearts we believe that we can exercise control over what we eat for the least possible time and keep searching for a miracle cure. A cure that will not deprive us of our favorite foods or put us through any major effort. Well, here's the bad news. There's no free lunch. Fat burning tablets are still a delusion and everyone over the age of 30 with a great body has put in a lot of hard work to keep it that way. So you have to make a choice. You can keep searching or trying out diets that never really work or just get down to doing what it takes.
If you're still reading, I'm assuming that you have opted for the latter. In which case I need to give you some more bad news. The faster you lose excess pounds the lower are the chances of them staying away. This means that fast weight loss is not the best possible way to lose weight. However, the word 'fast' is a relative word so let me make it absolute. Losing anything in excess of 2 pounds a week will mean that you are probably losing water which will come back within a day of eating normally. So now let's be scientific and scope the problem for what it is. For fast weight loss (which is sustainable) you need to lose 2 pounds per week or roughly 6000 calories (1 pound translates to roughly 3000 calories). Even if you assume that you cheat once in while or calculate incorrectly, the maximum deficit that you need to create is 1000 calories per day consciously. That's actually very simple.
It is best to divide the 1000 calories over calorie control through food and exercise. Choose one sport that you are interested in - it could be swimming, dancing, tennis or even yoga. Almost all of these even in their most moderate form will help you burn up to 500 calories an hour. If you want really fast weight loss, just join a gym - you could burn up to 1000 calories in one hour there. (You'll eat more of course but more about that later) If you can't do any of these then just walk. You'll need to walk longer but you can still total at least 300 calories per hour. Lots of people advocate taking the stairs or walking when possible but you need to do something that you can learn to enjoy or you won't stick to it.
The second part is what you eat. Don't restrict everything. Just throw out something that totals the amount that you need. If you want to cut back 200 calories, just replace one snack with a salad or fruit. If it's more then target the heaviest meal and so forth. For people who want to lose 1-2 pounds, even cutting back on a single drink per day can get them fast weight loss.
For Fast Safe Weight Loss [] try the Simple Diet Guide []
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