If this sounds all too familiar read on! One of the first things you need to ask yourself is this: "You need to determine where you are in order to know what you need to do next". Make sense? Whether you're thinking about dieting for the first time in your life or you're trying to make your new diet something permanent, there are specific things you can do to take your diet to the next level.
Are you at the point where you may be sick of having people in your life talking about dieting? Maybe you may be completely disinterested in changing anything about yourself or your routine. Your happy with being size xxx, avoiding friends and family, not doing the things you use to do (Note to self: take inventory of your life right now and see just what activities and events that you no longer do that maybe you enjoyed one year ago, five years ago, longer?) Do you have some health problems or feel a like you'd like to be a smaller clothing size, but you're not really that interested in dieting yet. If that's the case, you're in the "pre-contemplation" stage of dieting. That simply means that you're not interested in making any kind of changes in your eating habits and activity levels right now. That's OK if you are happy with that decision; don't feel like you have to beat yourself up over "I have go on a diet" sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to say it is OK.
However, you may be having that nagging feeling that even though you're not interested in a change, it may be something good for you? We all have that inner voice that tells us to do something even when we really don't want to. I know losing 10-20 pounds would lower my cholesterol and blood pressure and every day I start out with "this is the day!" Just how long it last depends on what happens during the day- if you can relate to this you know just what I am talking about: Life Happens! But we march on...
I know you are anxious to get started with a new diet but you need to get your mind used to the idea of making a change. You also don't want to dive into something for which you aren't prepared for. Instead, take a few days or even week(s) to educate yourself and find out what you think will work best for you. Remember you did not arrive at this spot overnight so give yourself time to prepare which will increase your chances of success.
Marilyn Rae of http://dietingforwomen.com
I invite you to my web pages to explore and review ways to make changes to your diet and discover a new you.
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I invite you to my web pages to explore and review ways to make changes to your diet and discover a new you.